Amazing Breakthrough Tech Beats Military Night Vision's...

Actual Footage

Did you know that there is a dirty secret about military night vision goggles?

That’s right – mil spec night vision goggles need at least some ambient light to work.

TacRight night vision needs no light at all – in fact, with its built in IR illuminator,

You can see in complete pitch black darkness – something that not even military night vision goggles can do!

What are some benefits night vision goggles give to our society?

The most common use is the military, and the quick answer would be that they allow soldiers to continue operations at night, without giving away their position through the use of flashlights.
However night vision has many other uses. People with night blindness can use night vision devices to see better at night-
Astronomers use night vision to improve their view of the stars, to see more stars in the city, amplify the image post hydrogen-alpha filters or to see nebula and clusters in the sky in real time -
The technology in night vision allows for far more sensitive x-ray machines to be made, reducing the doses necessary for an x-ray.
The TV ( Cathode Ray Tube ) and Night Vision share a lot of common research.
Night Vision is more ecologically friendly and uses less batteries than an equivalent flashlight.
Night Vision allows the user to see all the way to the horizon at night, not just as far as the flashlight beam can provide illumination.
A lot of fiber-optic research came from night vision development - Fiber plate is another invention that came from it.
Augmented reality had many of its roots in digital night vision experiments.
MWIR thermal can spot gas leaks, and is good for inspecting houses for heat leaks.
LWIR thermal is cheap and allows electric circuits to be inspected, or to find wear problems on tires. It can even detect animals on the road in front of a driver by thermal detection.
It improves the yield for many pest control activities.
It allows police to observe criminals at night. Same with Rangers and other people who protect us.
It allows us to look at how nocturnal animals operate at night, and tells us more about our world.;
There is 1 PROBLEM: Night visions are super expensive! They can range anywhere from $3k to $10,000

SOLUTION: Our partners at Tacright having half price sale on the Night vision's for a limited time. The time to pick one of these up is NOW, before the next major blackout. You can get your hands on 1 for UNDER $200


2. Click the button below to see if the night vision is still available in your region.